Thursday, September 06, 2007


So I was talking to Daphne today about my dilemma.

I said, "Babe. Should I send that follow up email? I didn't get any response from my original mail you know although I have evidence that it was received and read. So you know, to drive my point home kinda thing and to encourage a response from the follow up one? I mean shall I be dogged about it till a new result is received. I'm half a mind about it."

And she was like, "Babe."

"You send the ball over to his court right. And he's supposed to send it back. And is it that important anyway that you need it back... that you end up doing all the work in the end?"

"I mean, picture this. You send the ball over."

"Then you actually walk over to the other side and bring it back."

*significant pause*

"AND Then you send the ball over again. And then you go again and bring it back."

"Send it over. Bring it back. Send it over. Bring it back."

*Daphne gives me a look*


Muah hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!

I think to myself... no one's ever put anything to me quite like that. Not only was it hilarious while being wonderfully forthright. It was instantly convincing & a ridiculous enough image for me to say, "Hell yeah. Fuck that shit." Sometimes, all the psychobabble just takes too long.

Finally, Daphne quips...
"It's your O.C.D. again isn't it?"

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