Friday, May 27, 2005

Cool It With the Kacang Already

I was just reminiscing the months past... in the days of courting for ___ and I. One particular moment remains vividly in my memory. Let me set the scene.

We're at Sohos. I'm standing in the corner by the railing, watching the pool game. She's sitting on the platform, on the other side of the railing. There was Kacang on the table, I wanted some. She shelled a couple for me, and I was grateful.

Crunch crunch crunch... "Nice shot!"

She hands me more Kacang. Oh, how nice, thanks again.

Crunch crunch crunch....

As the night goes on, I feel my jaws begin to ache with all the crunching and my mouth getting dry. "What's with ___ and the kacang?"I think to myself. Turning to look at her... there she is, furiously shelling Kacang after Kacang... and plops a whole BLOODY HANDFUL into my hands. WHO EATS KACANG LIKE THAT? BUT!

I had no heart to tell her to stop. She looked like a person on a quest. Like a knight in the crusade.

A dear friend, Woon Wee... a bystander to the sordid event... turns to look at us... and shakes his head. I grin. ___ shells more kacang.

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